Trustees & Trust Committee Structure
The Trust Board works in partnership with the Chief Executive Officer of HWLP, Headteachers of the individual academies, staff, parents/carers and pupils to raise standards of achievement. The Trust Board comprises up to 12 Trustees who have been appointed as directors of the company – 9 are Member Appointed Trustees including the Chief Executive Officer and up to 3 are Co-opted Trustees who can be appointed by the Member Appointed Trustees. Our Trustees are currently:
Name | Nominating Authority | Term Start | Term End |
Ben Bartlett | Member Appointed | 01 Jul 2019 | Ex Officio |
Laura Edwards | Member Appointed | 15 July 2021 | 01 Mar 2027 |
Alex Knight | Member Appointed | 29 Sept 2024 | 25 Sept 2028 |
Robert Mutchell | Member Appointed | 01 Jul 2019 | 15 Dec 2026 |
*Jonathan Ross | Member Appointed | 01 Jul 2019 | 23 May 2025 |
*Andy Sellers | Member Appointed | 01 Jul 2019 | 28 Feb 2027 |
Marc Weedon | Member Appointed | 01 Jul 2019 | 30 Jun 2026 |
*Co-Chair of Trustees
Clerk to Trustees: Sherry Secker | T: 020 8398 7161.
Resignations / term completions this academic year: David Bateman (02 October 2024) and Claudette Atkinson (13 November 2024)
Resignations last academic year: Hannah White (21 Mar 2024) and Zayd Rasool (23 Mar 2024)
Our Trustees are appointed to the Trust Board and are the organisation’s key decision makers. Trustees are both charity trustees and company directors of the Multi-Academy Trust. They are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Trust and all the constituent academies and have responsibilities under both the Charities Act 2011 and the Companies Act 2006. They are responsible for governing the HWLP and how it is managed and run. Our Trustees also ensure that the Trust complies with all legal and statutory requirements. Trustees work together to carry out the following core functions:
ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard
The Trust Board works closely with the Chief Executive Officer to ensure that areas for which they are responsible are being delivered effectively. The role of the Trust Board is strategic with the Executive Team being responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the Trust and its schools. The Trust Board remains the employer of staff and the admissions authority. The land and buildings are held in trust by the Trustees.
In order to fulfil its obligations, the Trust has set up several committees:
Finances and Resources Trust Committee
Human Resources Trust Committee
Senior Pay Committee
Local Governing Bodies at each school
Trustees have entered into a Master Funding Agreement for HWLP with the Department for Education which includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association for the Company. Trustees have also entered into Supplemental Funding Agreements for each individual academy within the Trust, namely Hinchley Wood School, Hinchley Wood Primary School and Thames Ditton Junior School.
Copies of the Company Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Association, Master Funding Agreement, Supplemental Funding Agreements for each school and Annual Report and Financial Statements can be accessed via on 'Our Trust' page.
To meet Academy Trust Handbook requirements, the following information is also provided for each of Trustees who has been involved in governance during the previous academic year as well as the Account Officer:
- register of business and financial interests for Trustees and Accounting Officers
- Trustee attendance records at board and committee meetings over the last academic year
If you would like to join our trustees, please refer to the Trustee Briefing Sheet on the left hand side of this page and contact our Clerk to Trustees, Sherry Secker, via email or the 'contact us' form or 020 8398 7161.